Request for Proposals: Extended Landfill Gas Study
SALAR International and Avfall Sverige is seeking services of a Consultant to implement an extended landfill gas study. The assignment is part of the Avfall Sverige and SALAR International Programme in Ukraine, WM4U: Strengthening Municipal Waste Management in Ukraine.
A pre-study on landfill gas emissions in Ukraine has been conducted September 2023 – March 2024. It resulted in a report containing a detailed estimation of actual municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills’ impact on the environment and climate change, development of measures and estimation of investment needs required for mitigation of this influence in terms of regions of Ukraine and specific MSW landfills.
This assignment builds forth on the earlier conducted pre-study and will explore models and systems for implementation of landfill management measures, introducing best international/EU practices.The assignment will result in a proposal for concrete feasibility studies for climate mitigation measures on selected landfills and/or dumpsites throughout Ukraine. Initial efforts will focus on improvement of 30 sites.
The feasibility studies should act as test beds for important actions divided into a variation of size and thus become showcases and best model for the great number of landfills in Ukraine. The assignment will focus on landfill gas emission reduction but also address energy generation perspectives and other environmental improvements related to landfills such as storm/surface water management and leachate control.
Location and duration
The study will be carried out by an independent consultant and expected to be completed within 4 months from signing the contract. The maximum allocated input for the assignment is 50 working days.
The consultant can execute the work from its own office but will be advised to carry out some work at the WM4U office in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Request for Proposals
Interested applicants should send their applications to no later than 22 nd of January, 2025.
Request for Proposals: Extended Landfill Gas Study Pdf, 207 kB.