Municipalities in North Macedonia Adopt Local Action Plans for Waste Management – a Step Towards Integrated Waste Management System
14 partner municipalities of the Pelagonija and Southwest regions of Republic of North Macedonia have successfully developed and endorsed their Waste Management Local Action Plans (LAPs). These plans, supported through SALAR International with financial support from Sida, signify a collective commitment to improving waste management practices in North Macedonia.
The LAPs, developed through a transparent, collaborative, and inclusive process, prioritize actions such as providing waste services to as many users as possible, introducing a system for waste selection and collection of separate waste streams, as well as reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Moreover, they focus on raising awareness in communities about sustainable waste management practices.
The actions outlined in the LAPs are developed with a strong emphasis on promoting a human rights-based approach and gender equality. This means that the actions equally address the needs of marginalized groups while also ensuring that municipal waste services are optimized to better accommodate women’s needs within the community.
Drawing on the lessons learned throughout the LAP development process, the project has successfully developed a Local Action Planning methodological toolkit that can serve as a basis for the development of inclusive Waste Management Local Action Plans in other regions and municipalities beyond those targeted by the project.
Sustainable municipal waste management in North Macedonia
As part of the project ‘Sustainable municipal waste management services’ in North Macedonia’, SALAR international is partnering with 15 municipalities in the Pelagonija and Southwest regions. The overall aim of the project is to improve municipal waste management services in the country with a view to full compliance with EU standards, thus improving environmental sustainability and quality of life for all inhabitants. The project is consistent with the Swedish Results Strategy, the EU accession agenda in North Macedonia and the renewed decentralization strategy, as well as progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.