Published 17 July 2023

PROSTO: Vehicles and Equipment Transferred to Five Hromadas in Ukraine

On June 13, the Swedish-Ukrainian Project PROSTO "Support to Services Accessability in Ukraine" transferred vehicles and equipment to five liberated and war-affected hromadas to provide services to residents through a "mobile Administrative Service Centres" model.

Krolevetska hromada (Sumy Oblast), Koryukivska hromada (Chernihiv Oblast), Shyrokivska hromada (Zaporizhzhia Oblast), Bashtanska hromada (Mykolaiv Oblast) and Ivankivska hromada (Kyiv Oblast) applied for this type of crisis support and were approved by a commission consisting of PROSTO experts and representatives of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Ministry of Reconstruction of Ukraine.

- Communities are the driving force and basis of Ukraine’s recovery. Therefore, the state’s primary task is ensuring communities’ access to basic services, particularly administrative ones. I am grateful to the Swedish-Ukrainian PROSTO Project for transferring "mobile Administrative Service Centres" to regions affected by aggression. This should become an example for other international partners, who can support local authorities’ capacity by joining our network of Community Support Teams", says Oleksandra Azarkhina, Deputy Minister of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine.

Read the entire article: The heads of five liberated and affected hromadas received "mobile ASC" and met with the Embassy of Sweden and Government representatives.

The PROSTO project

The PROSTO project aims to improve the capacity of local self-governments to provide qualitative services to the residents of Ukrainian hromadas.

