Published 19 June 2023

Ukrainian and Swedish municipalities in meeting about partnership

On June 19-20, representatives from Ukrainian and Swedish municipalities meet in Stockholm to discuss future partnerships.

The support from the Swedish state, Swedish municipalities and regions, SALAR and SALAR International has played a major role in strengthening local self-government in Ukraine. On June 19-20, representatives from Ukrainian and Swedish municipalities, among them many mayors, meet in Stockholm to explore the possibility to establish partnerships, with the potential to strengthen the decentralization that has been a success factor for Ukraine in its defense against Russia.

- We invite to the partnership forum partly because Swedish municipalities and regions can help Ukraine in the war, for example with material support and to strengthen local institutions. Partly because Sweden has a lot to learn about for example crisis preparedness and crisis management. It is a collaboration that enriches both parties, says Anders Henriksson, chairman SALAR (Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions).

About 30 representatives each are participating from the Ukrainian and Swedish municipalities. In addition, the Swedish Minister of International Development Cooperation Johan Forsell, representatives of Sida, the Swedish Institute, the European Commission and other actors will participate. Read more about the outcome of the forum later this week.
